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Mental Health in Kids during Covid

Year 2020 has indeed been difficult, for each one of us in some way or the other. Many were put out of work, schools were shut down, children were forced to stay indoors, parks, malls and gathering places were all closed. Suddenly the world around us had transformed. Imagine how badly this scenario must have upended the lives of our children! Social isolation, altered routine, limited physical activities and disrupted eating habits led to problems in children – physical, emotional …

An Unconditional Bond

By Shailika Sinha Parents – the word that exudes warmth, unconditional love, care, security and loads of affection. The pillars that hold their children intact in every phase of their lives. The people who live for their kids, sacrifice so much for their kids and are always there to support them, to stand for them. Where do they find themselves in the middle of these trying times when it has been months since the world is stuck in a pandemic? Parenting …

How women power change

By Akriti Garg Summary: GlobalLinker member and business owner, Akriti Garg shares the that women have in abundance that make them excel as entrepreneurs and become agents of positive change. When I was growing up, listening to tales of Cinderella and her midnight adventure to find her one true love, I realised that the theme of most stories was similar...a damsel in distress, true love that finds her and saves her. I often thought, is this our purpose or aspiration in life? …

The Road Ahead

By Shailika Sinha A difficult year has gone by. With the vaccination drive for Covid-19 just round the corner, year 2021 has surely begun on a good note. There is so much to look forward to. Better health, more happiness and more action! The passing year has taught us many an important lesson that is likely to stay with us throughout. It has reinstated the fact that no matter what, health is the most important thing, and that good health includes both physical and …


By Shailika Sinha We have all grown up on moral science lessons in our schools where we are taught about the values of kindness, generosity, helping and sharing. Why does it so happen then that as we grow old and get busy with our lives, we tend to leave these morals behind in the process of fulfilling our dreams and ambitions. Or is it just that we do not feel the need to give back to the society we are a …

Never lose hope

By Jasmine “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson This is not a story of a cancer patient, but the story of his family whose life made a complete turnaround with one diagnosis. It’s a story of strength to be positive every day so that the one fighting cancer never loses hope. Monica & Arvind Vohra were just like any other parents. Life was a back and forth …

Miracles do happen

By Jasmine On 23rd feb, 2018, Mr. Lokesh came to Ms. Monica and Arvind Vohra’s home at around 9pm with a heavy heart as that’s the day he got to know his 15 yr old son-Dushyant has been diagnosed with Blood cancer. Fever hitting to 106 degrees. The immediate advice from them was to take him to Apollo hospital, New Delhi and admit him with the assurance that they will help funding his treatment. The treatment started immediately, to another shock …

Value your Loved ones

By Jasmine Today is Friday, and many of us must have started planning for weekend. I and my husband have planned to spend every moment with our daughter. Make her happy, see her laugh and enjoy. Taking her to a place where she loves the most. Often we take relationships for granted. valuing every moment in life is what I have personally learned from my work. Have you ever met children suffering from Cancer? I might not have met these children if …
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